Friday, December 18, 2009

Back from Utah, and, it wasn't a complete disaster. Jade got moms bathroom all together just fine, without any problems at all. And it's lovely. I didn't take one dang picture while I was down there, I don't know whats wrong with me. It snowed 6 inches over night saturday, which caused a bit of a problem for more than one person, but the world around was just beautiful. I love fresh fallen snow, and how it blankets everything. I am very lucky to have Mercy Otis as my sister. She is the most amazing woman in the world. Again, no pictures, but she stitched me this awesome sampler for my friend, late the night before we were leaving to come home. Cindy loved it by the way, a gift from the heart. She told me to tell Mercy thank you very much. She also sewed me little santa hats for my santa ball decorations, and a cover for my christmas story book for a friend. Mercy is one of the busiest people I know, and she made time for me, and all my projects. I am so very grateful for her, and her family. Thank you to her and all she does! Sorry again, and again, and again about the car. We can make it right ya know.
Anyways after a trip to my moms, my christmas tree is complete. My other sister lives with my mom, and she gave me all her old crocheted decorations, my mom crocheted them, and their highly sought after, also I high-jacked decorations from my mom. Jade says the tree is now "cluttered", and he doesn't like it, can you believe that?

Anyways, I love it, and think it looks wonderful. These little snowmen figures have been a part of my christmas for a long time, and my mom gave them to me 2 years ago. I love them. My mom made them in Relief Society and Mercy embellished them on a break from her attending beauty school. So they are.........31 years old? They are in excellent shape, as you can see.

1 comment:

  1. Ya, There are some girls here that would love to have your aunt laurel haul! LOL
    I think your tree looks pretty!
    I still don't have my decorations on my tree yet.....we made candy today, along with tending pais....I'm tired.
    I loe the "H" on Mr. snowmans tie!
    Glad Cindy liked her sampler...:-)
