Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patricks Day from Irish Annie!

I'm not really irish by the way, I just loved how that sounded. I always wished I was irish though.
I bought this wig a few years back, and had never worn it, but I broke it out today. I LOVE wigs.
Happy St. Pattys day folks.
We are going out on the 4 wheelers just to see how far out we can go. The snow has been slowly disappearing, and Jade is getting that summertime itch. I will keep my wig on for this journey, it will help keep my head warm, as it's only 37 degrees out yet.
Tomorrow evening starts our pool tournament, hopefully we play well. Wish me luck!


  1. irish are such a lurp! LOL

    here's a link for your irish line. george and mary had a daughter that married abraham hunsaker. we are irish. I was sure you knew! and scottish! the bag pipes really do call us home!

    love the wig!!!!
    top o the mornin to ye!
    irish waina
